As of… May 12, 2024

As of… May 12, 2024

Different than an About page, a Now page provides a glimpse into what someone is focused on at this current point in their life. More info here.

The work

I've begun to embrace my recent shift into freelance. Currently, I'm working on an app intended to aggregate news, events, and conversations among members of Boston-area neighborhoods. While transitioning from a structured feature team model to one-on-one client work has been daunting, I've been able to instinctively pull from my product background to guide this project along as we work toward launching a new, more intuitive experience.

Shout-out to Grace Walker and her Fast Forward Freelance course for shedding light on many unknowns I had prior to starting down this path.

The side hustles

The "Framer template designer" journey is also underway. My full-featured template for business owners and practitioners in the wellness industry was recently accepted into Framer's template library and is available for purchase.


Life update: A move from Boston to one of my favorite cities in New Hampshire may be in the works. More to come once details are finalized!

© Matt Gelfand, 2024. Designed in Framer.